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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Soap Opera's Greatest Love Themes' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
  • Soap Opera's Greatest Love Themes: Love On The Air (1998)
    Kevin McDaniels, Sam Winans, Didier Rachou, Wes Boatman, Kenneth Eberhard, Dan Beyer, Vincent Covello, Rick Rhodes, Douglas Thornton, Fawn, Art Phillips, John Loeffler, Elliot Lawrence, George Whitty

3 matches in composers
  1. Love Unlimited
  2. Physical Love
  3. Laurence Love Greed

34295 matches in tracks
  1. TV Soap Opera (02:33)
    from Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
  2. Soap Opera (00:49)
    from Star Trek: Voyager
  3. TV Soap Opera #1 (02:33)
    from Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
  4. TV Soap Opera #2 (01:36)
    from Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
  5. soap opera (00:48)
    from Scarlet Street
  6. Soap Opera Source§ (00:48)
    from Naked Gun: From The Files Of Police Squad!, The
  7. Soap Opera Source§ (00:48)
    from Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell Of Fear, The
  8. Soap Opera Source§ (00:48)
    from Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult
  9. Veterinarian's Hospital (02:10)
    from Muppet Show, The
    A Soap Opera
  10. Getting into Shape/Listen You Screwheads/Gun Play/Dear Father & Mother/The Card/Soap Opera (05:25)
    from Taxi Driver
  11. Getting Into Shape/Listen You Screwheads/Gun Play/Dear Father & Mother/The Card/Soap Opera (05:25)
    from Taxi Driver
  12. Getting Into Shape/Listen You Screwheads/Gun Play/Dear Father & Mother/The Card/Soap Opera (05:27)
    from Taxi Driver
  13. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Themes From
    Michael Masser
  14. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Star Wars
    Michael Masser
  15. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from New York, New York
    Michael Masser
  16. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Deep, The
    Michael Masser
  17. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Black Sunday
    Michael Masser
  18. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Greatest, The
    Michael Masser
  19. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Bridge Too Far, A
    Michael Masser
  20. The Greatest - The Greatest Love of All (03:08)
    from Annie Hall
    Michael Masser
Show all 34295 matching tracks